experiments with local whisper inference

In early-to-mid 2023 I shamelessly forked someone else’s Android keyboard, made a small UX improvement, and shipped it to the Google Play Store. The other guy proceeded to review it 5 stars. What a gigachad. I still get emails from people who use the keyboard asking me to make various improvements. And I really should. But I sorta just keep… not doing that, because there’s other stuff I find cooler and want to do more. It’s all open source anyway, so maybe one of you should do the painful Java stuff I can’t be bothered to do. Link to repo here.

I instead want to make a thing that is actually useful and not just Gboard but worse. So I’m working on this: an offline voice journal using Whisper for all local speech transcription. As before, open source, and yes I am aware the repository is still the one which is shared with my ex. I’ll move it at some point soon. Whoopsies.

Also on the Play Store. Not on the App Store yet, but when I get around to throwing money at Apple, I’ll do it.